Changes to Media Manager in Aiir

Gav Richards
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2020


From today you may notice a few changes relating to Media Manager.

🎉 One Media Manager for your whole organisation

First, if your organisation has more than one ‘site’, we’ve streamlined things, so you’ll be able to work with files across your whole organisation more easily.

Every organisation now has a single Media Manager, rather than segregated spaces for each site. If you’re an existing customer, then your former site root folders have been converted into regular folders like any other.

This now means that you can move files or folders between those former site folders, including drag and drop.

The amount of space you’re allocated is now set at the organisation level — if you have multiple sites, we’ve simply added up the old limits for each site to get your new organisation-wide limit.

⭐️ Introducing starred folders!

Open a folder and tap the star button at the top.

You’ll see a handy shortcut appear in the top-left corner of Media Manager, making it easier to reach later.

You can have as many starred folders as you need, and they’re private to your account.

If you’re a news editor, you may find starred folders are especially useful, for quickly reaching folders containing regularly used assets.

🚚 Drag and drop folders

In addition to files, you can now drag and drop folders to easily move them around.

📸 Photo Albums

When you create a Photo Album, you can now choose where the newly created folder will be located — it no longer has to be in a specific folder.

🔑 Admin — simpler controls, lock people to multiple folders

If you’re an administrator, you’ll find managing someone’s access to Media Manager is now simpler, especially if you have more than one site.

The option to enable or disable Media Manager for a person is now underneath the list of sites.

Next to that, you’ll find the ability to limit someone’s access to specific folders. Previously it was one per site, but now you can add as many as required.

From the perspective of someone who has been limited, they no longer need to switch between sites to reach these folders, they’ll just see all their locked folders in one place.

We hope these improvements make Aiir easier to use. Let us know if you spot any issues or have any questions, we’ll be happy to help.

